Title: Follow Me
Author: Tiffany Snow
Stars: 4 out of 5
If you have read anything by Tiffany Snow than you know she loves her Love Triangles and this book isn't any different. What makes this one stand out in her series is China. She is a nerd who can't help but say what she is thinking. Which makes her adoring, creates some fun dialogue and reminds you why geeks rule the world.
She is too smart for her own good which gets her in over head just like the other female characters in Tiffany Snows series. Follow Me has fun dialog as well as goofy, silly and sweet inner monologues. The book uses lot of pop culture reference that some readers will get and other will scratch their heads. This book has heart and soul which I hope will be kept though out the series and not lost in the romance of two hot guys and one confused girl.
China's niece is living with her which helps create an different dynamic than the other Tiffany Snow Series. It will also keep readers intrigued wondering how China will navigate her need to control everything around her life even to the point of pushing others away.
Romance is like the other Tiffany Snow Series hot and sweaty. The book has a good pace keeping readers hooked but also able to put the book down a savor what they have read. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series.
Advance Copy from Netgalley.
Personally my favorite in Tiffany Snow series is Blank Slate. If you get the chance read that stand alone novel.
Brilliant, quirky twenty-three-year-old China Mack is totally satisfied with her carefully ordered, data-driven life. A computer prodigy who landed a coveted programming job at the cutting-edge tech company Cysnet before even graduating from MIT, China is happiest when following her routine: shower before coffee, pizza only on Mondays, bedtime at ten thirty sharp.
But then things start to get a little…unpredictable.
First Jackson Cooper—Cysnet’s rich, gorgeous, genius CEO—assigns China to a dangerous and highly classified project for a government defense contractor. Her sixteen-year-old runaway niece suddenly arrives in town, begging to move in with China. And then there’s her sexy but oddly unsettling new neighbor, Clark…
Quickly the Cysnet assignment becomes disconcerting—and then downright scary—as key staffers turn up dead. China suspects she’s being followed and isn’t sure whom she can trust. For the first time ever, she’ll have to follow her instincts, rather than logic, if she’s going to survive.
About The Author

I love to stick with characters over a series of books when I read, which is the same way I write. My first series - THE KATHLEEN TURNER SERIES - includes five books, two companion novels, and features a love triangle. My new series, coming from Montlake Romance December 16, 2014, is the TANGLED IVY TRILOGY, beginning with IN HIS SHADOW.
As for me, I've been reading romance novels since I was way too young to read such things, have an unhealthy obsession for all things Doctor Who, prefer Pepsi to Coke and Absolut to both, think men who drink girly cocktails are wusses, have learned to never stop believing in my beloved St. Louis Cardinals, and can recite the entire scripts of When Harry Met Sally and Apollo 13. George Washington is cool, Bon Jovi still rocks the house, and Bruce Willis is the ultimate alpha-male hero. Most of all, romance never, ever gets old.
Visit my website www.Tiffany-Snow.com for more information and special extras.
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