Author: David Aaron Katz
Review: A Guide to
Herbs, Supplements, and Diet for the Voice Professional
Interesting little book on what to do when you have to sing
and are feeling sick! David gives
recipes for making teas and soups out of natural herbs to help restore the body
back to optimal health before a performance.
David is a voice professional which means his whole life revolves around
being able to keep his vocal cords in prime condition or he doesn’t work. Since everyone will become ill at one time or
another and it seems that when you are a singer it always happens right before
a performance, David has given some wonderful ideas for good vocal health and
last minute helps for sore throats, stuffed up heads and filled sinuses.
I have never really been into herbal medicine but after
reading this book I see no reason not to at least try some of the things that
he recommends. He speaks of formulas of
herbs to mix to gain maximum results (he also sells his own line of herbal
formulas for voice health).
In the book he suggests and explains about different herbs,
going into detail about what each herb does and how it helps with throat, sinus
and chest congestion. This is a great
little book and I recommend it to anyone interested in a natural way of helping
with congestion and the flus that hit us all in the winter. This book is not a nail biter by any means,
although I am sure there is a herb cure for that also, but it lives up to what
it is touted to be.
I give this book 4 out of 5.
Thanks Eileen for this review.
ISBN: 978-1936307272
Copyright: 2013
Pages: 104
Quick Review: 4
stars out of 5
Why I Read It: I sing and have for many years.
Where I Obtained the Book: Sent to me by the publisher
for review.
Synopsis: Whether you
are a professional singer, speaker, teacher, lawyer, DJ, clergy, auctioneer,
tour guide, or sales person. caring for your voice is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing
you can do in your life.This book is your complete and one stop guide to take
care of your voice naturally without chemicals or drugs. What you can expect
from this book: *Comprehensive A-Z list of healing herbs for the Voice Professional
*What herbs to use when and how to prepare each herb for use *Specific Formulas
for specific vocal issues such as tired and over used voice, mucus,sinus
congestion, sore throat and more... *What drugs negatively affect the voice and
natural alternatives to those drugs. *Foods to eat that affect the voice and
vocal mechanism. *Sinus Care with cleansing guide and herbs. *Food lists that
help create and maintain Superior Vocal health. *"What to do When"
natural solutions for the most pressing Performance and Presentation issues
such as performance anxiety, clogged sinuses, chest congestion, mental clarity
and more. David Aaron Katz is a professional Opera singer, Cantor, Nutritional
Consultant, Herbalist and CEO of Superior Vocal His life mission is
to help Voice Professionals from around the world to learn how to heal,
maintain and strengthen their voices naturally without chemical or drugs.
Author Information: Superior
Vocal Health has made it a life’s mission, to be dedicated to helping voice
professionals keep their voices and bodies strong, healthy, vibrant, and at
peak levels naturally without the use of harmful chemicals and drugs. Superior
Vocal Health is the result of more than 20 years of research and investigation
by David Aaron Katz, Cantor, international singer of Opera and Broadway, voice
teacher, vocal coach, author, nutritional consultant, herbalist and lecturer
and Jan Alan Schwartz AKA Wizard. Jan is a Professional Drummer and Vocalist,
Producer, Songwriter, Businessman, Founder of Burlington Audio and, as well as the noted producer of Carib Music Group.
While Teaching and coaching voice professionals from around
the world, Jan and David found that they were in constant need of something
that would help preserve and take care of their voices, something that was
non-addicting or damaging to the vocal cords, and was consistent, safe and
Welcome to Superior Vocal Health. We have been performing as
professional musicians around the world for more than 25 years. We have
experienced firsthand the trials of being a professional singer and musician
and understand that as professionals one cannot afford a bad performance. Like
it or not, we must always be”on”. Vocal Health must be the number one priority
in a voice professional’s life, so it’s imperative we keep our throats and
bodies in the best condition possible.
When you are flying, staying at strange hotels, overusing
your voice every day, and dealing with everyday stresses, staying healthy just
isn’t easy. Inevitably the body and voice break down. How many times have you
been sick but said, “the show must go on”? It’s happened to all of us. After
years of trying every possible remedy on the market with no success, we decided
to take matters into our own hands. Superior Vocal Health is the result of
years of extensive research and personal experience. Superior Vocal Health was
created to give all voice professionals the best tools to care for their voices
– naturally – no drugs, no chemicals. Our formulas are designed to restore,
rejuvenate, invigorate, and help heal a myriad of vocal issues.
These formulas are not a replacement for proper technique,
training, or correct vocal care. That takes hard work, commitment, perseverance,
and along with regular checkups with your ENT, learning how to “listen” to your
body. Voice professionals around the world use the Superior Vocal Health
product line to maintain and keep their voice in top form. Whether we are
performing, speaking, rehearsing, auditioning or teaching we always have our
Superior Vocal Health products with us. They help keep your vocal cords clear,
strong, and healthy. We spared no expense in our search to find the most
reputable and highly qualified manufacturer of Herbal Extracts in the United
States. Superior Vocal Health formulas contain the best quality Certified
Organic Herbs, and are produced in a GMP and FDA regulated facility.
Through our own personal experience and the testimonials of
countless voice professionals around the world who rely on Superior Vocal
Health formulas, you can rest assured Superior Vocal Health products are not
only totally safe and good for you, they will work for you! We guarantee it!
Stay healthy, and enjoy your voice.
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