Title: Eating By Faith: A Walk With God. My Eating Disorder from the Inside Out
Author: Lisabeth Kaeser
Stars: 5 out of 5
As someone who has struggled with the demon of an Eating Disorder everything Lisabeth Kaeser wrote about was honest, truthfully and heartbreaking. Her honesty about how the demon will take root and just waiting for you to cross the line and the moment you do it will take over. All the time you keep lying to yourself thinking you can control.
Most do not think or see Eating Disorders as Addictions buts it front and center in the addiction world from controlling food to working out until your body gives into the high.
This book will help those who have loved ones suffering from an eating disorder. It will help open there eyes to what their love one goes though every day. From the struggle of eating, to the endless thoughts of hating themselves. She explains how it take roots in a secret place. A place where the addict rarely reveals to anyone even the people they love the most. If they do most of the truth is hidden away. In Fear of the truth.
Eating By Faith is a beautiful story of how Lisabeth Kaeser found Gods love while Satan would make her believe she is worthless. Eating By Faith is not only about an eating disorder but also a self discovery of our Saviors Unconditional love. No matter how hard we fight with our inner demons God is always there for us we just need to stop and ask for help.
No one is ever cured of an eating disorder it will always be there waiting to find your weakest moment and take over. If you have an eating disorder or a loved one with a disorder this book is worth the time.
Lisabeth Story is raw, honesty, heart felt and the truth for those who struggle with the mental illness of an eating disorder.
I would recommended this book to everyone who has been touched by someone with an eating disorder or personal has an eating disorder.
In Eating by Faith, Lisabeth invites you into the secret world of her eating disorder, and recovery. And while the illness looks different for every patient, all share a commonality of symptoms physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Eating by Faith will bring you into the mind and heart of someone suffering from the illness in such a brutally honest way, that you will have a greater understanding of the mind and heart of anyone suffering from this illness.
Her eating disorder, like most, takes root inside a secret place. This root is often anchored in the lies Satan would have us believe about ourselves. Once established, he will use the eating disorder to separate us from God, robbing us from our joy and our identity in Christ’s unconditional love.
Lisabeth’s story is one of wrestling with the eating disorder, herself, and God. It is about finding her identity in the love of Christ instead of her illness. Taste and See…
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