Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Book Review - Ghellow Road - T.H Waters
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Free Tess Gerritsen Short Story for the Kindle

Currently Amazon and Tess Gerritsen have a free pre-order for a Rizzoli & Isles short story for the Kindle.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Happy Memorial Day Weekend
Friday, May 27, 2011
Book Review - City of Fallen Angels - Cassandra Clare
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Book Review - Doctor Confidential - Richard Sheff
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Splash into Summer Blog Hop Giveaway - Win a $10 Amazon Gift Certificate
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Book Tour - Book Review - What Did I Do Wrong - Liz Pryor
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday Musing - How Tess Gerritsen made me 30% less sexist in my reading

Back in 2005 I read the book On Writing by Stephen King. In it he suggest that any serious literary person should read at least 100 books per year. So taking that advice I decided to make an effort and began writing down every book I read.
The customer gave me a long look and then responded with a dismissive shake of his head. “Naw,” he said. “I don’t read books by women. I don’t like the way they write.” And he turned and walked away.
I had never consciously thought about my book choices when it came to the gender of the author, but I now had a wonderful resource to see how I was doing, my list of all the books I had read so far. Going through the list it turned out that I was reading over 95% male authors; I was one of those dismissive sexist male readers without even knowing it.
I made a commitment to actively seek out female authors and I can now say I read around 35%. Not totally equitable, but a vast improvement over my old self.
Thanks to Gerritsen I have enjoyed a lot of books I may have missed, but particularly her works and the writings of Laura Lippman, MC Beaton, Lindsey Davis, Marian Keyes, JD Robb, Denise Mina, Julie Kramer, Kathy Reichs, Tana French, Sophia Kinsella, and many more.
What Books are you missing out on without even knowing it?
**From this I also started to read a lot more foreign books (not American) as I soon noticed I was severely lacking that department too.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Sunday Recap of the Week need
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Book Review - Far Corners - Kathleen Bullock
Friday, May 20, 2011
ARC Giveaway Friday(review copies) - Eat Your Peas and Same Life, New Story
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Same Life New Story link and Eat Your Peas Faithfully Youtube spot
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Book Review - The Imperfect Enjoyment -Dewan W. Gibson
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Book Review - The Help - Kathryn Stockett
I loved this book, but attitudes and behaviors take the longest to change. These women were trusted with the children, the cooking and the house and yet treated, for the most part, as dirt under a finger nail. This book will make you think about the way you treat others. Would you want the way you treat those around you published in a book? Maybe you need to change the way you treat others so you would be happy to see others read about you and your relationships.
Skeeter had guts, she did what she thought was right even though she lost things and people she loved. Doing what is right does not always make you popular. Right is right, every time. What a amazing set of characters and relationships. I loved the stories about love between the maids and the families they worked for. Not everything was bad, but things had to change.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Sunday Recap of the Week
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Author Interview with Eric Livingston author or Brandon Marlowe and the Spirit Snatcher
When I moved from Tulsa to Houston I was chosen to drive the moving van. On a long solo drive I got this idea for a story. As time went on I continued to develop the story further until I reached the point where writing it down was the only way I could stop thinking about it.
Boarding School is an interesting concept for me, did you attend or would you liked to have attend one? Why?
No, I did not attend one. I based the Tartarus School on a college campus. The students live on campus, classes are less mandatory, and the students still have the freedom to leave when they want. I think it is the last part, which boarding schools typically don’t have, that would give me pause about attending one.
Tartarus sounds interesting, but can you give us a better view?
We’ve all seen the pictures of ancient Greek and Roman structures like the Parthenon or Coliseum. In a civilization that never had the need for an Industrial Age those would still be the types of structures built, and that’s how Tartarus is designed.
Brandon had lots of freedom to come and go as he pleased, about how old is he in the book?
Brandon is sixteen. All of the students have the same freedoms. It is a default of the abilities they are born with. In Brandon’s case, he has lived his entire life setting his own restrictions for the safety of others.
Do you listen to music as you write and if so what do you listen to?
I do. Personally I like music with energy, something to keep me pumped up as I write. Two bands I like would be Evans Blue and Cage the Elephant.
Favorite snack?
Any kind of nachos is good.
Favorite movie of all time?
Top movie would be Watchmen. I really enjoyed the Graphic Novel as a kid and never thought anyone could translate it to live action. I was happy to be wrong.
Favorite author or book of all time?
While he is not a fiction writer, Christopher Hitchens is easily my favorite author. I don’t always agree with his opinions, but he has a captivating writing style that I find both informative and full of personality.
If this was made into a movie, who would you like to play Brandon?
I would like an unknown to play Brandon Marlowe. For a series such as this, using actors the audience is unfamiliar with helps to increase the realism of the story.
What would you like to tell your readers anything else about your book or characters?
This is the first book in a larger story. So if you feel like I’ve left out an important mythological figure, don’t worry. There are still more to come.