Back in 2005 I read the book On Writing by Stephen King. In it he suggest that any serious literary person should read at least 100 books per year. So taking that advice I decided to make an effort and began writing down every book I read.
The customer gave me a long look and then responded with a dismissive shake of his head. “Naw,” he said. “I don’t read books by women. I don’t like the way they write.” And he turned and walked away.
I had never consciously thought about my book choices when it came to the gender of the author, but I now had a wonderful resource to see how I was doing, my list of all the books I had read so far. Going through the list it turned out that I was reading over 95% male authors; I was one of those dismissive sexist male readers without even knowing it.
I made a commitment to actively seek out female authors and I can now say I read around 35%. Not totally equitable, but a vast improvement over my old self.
Thanks to Gerritsen I have enjoyed a lot of books I may have missed, but particularly her works and the writings of Laura Lippman, MC Beaton, Lindsey Davis, Marian Keyes, JD Robb, Denise Mina, Julie Kramer, Kathy Reichs, Tana French, Sophia Kinsella, and many more.
What Books are you missing out on without even knowing it?
**From this I also started to read a lot more foreign books (not American) as I soon noticed I was severely lacking that department too.
I met Ms. Gerritsen up in Maine once and she not only signed 2 books for me, she stayed after the book signing event was over to do so and told me a brief humorous story too. She is one smart lady, for sure (and extremely nice to boot)!
p.s. re: your question, I happen to read way more women authors than men by preference for their writing styles. I actually make the effort to seek them out.