Title: Hashimoto's Diet for the Newly Diagnosed: A 21-Day Elimination Diet Meal Plan and Cookbook
Author: Daphne Olivier LDN RD CDCES IFNCP
Stars: 5
I am not diagnosed with Hashimoto's but others I know are and I wanted to see how this diet differs from the AP and others that I have read about.
The author knows what she is talking about with the information as well as the wording she is able to comes across as knowledgeable and person readers will be able to connect with.
It is hard to know when to eliminate certain things from your diet and by cutting things off cold turkey it will cause a rebound effect as well as cravings.
The author gives readers a step by step process on who to eliminate certain food and why you might want to take them out of your diet.
The author does get a little preachy which depends on how you read and her voice inflections.
Thank you to Netgalley for a copy of Daphne Olivier Hashimoto's Diet for the Newly Diagnosed: A 21-Day Elimination Diet Meal Plan and Cookbook
A stress-free diet and lifestyle guide for managing your Hashimotos diagnosis
While a Hashimotos thyroiditis diagnosis is an essential first step toward taking control of your health, it can be overwhelming. What’s more, implementing lifestyle changes like an elimination diet, especially when you’re struggling with severe symptoms like fatigue and unexplained weight gain, can feel formidable. But, rest assured, Hashimoto’s Diet for the Newly Diagnosed is your helpful companion to getting on the right path to a healthy, symptom-free life, starting with what you eat.
With 75 healing recipes and a 3-week meal plan complete with shopping lists, this Hashimotos diet cookbook has everything you need post-diagnosis to prepare delicious meals that will nourish your body and help alleviate your Hashimotos symptoms. By starting off with a simpler approach to the traditional elimination diet, Hashimoto’s Diet for the Newly Diagnosed will teach you how to listen to your body and build your “You Diet” for optimal health and well-being.
This complete Hashimotos diet cookbook and meal plan for beginners includes:
Easy-to-digest science—Understand the ins and outs of your Hashimotos diagnosis, including the critical connection between this thyroid condition and your diet.Comforting and nourishing recipes—From breakfast to dinner to snacks, these recipes call for familiar ingredients and may require less than 30 minutes to make, can be made in one pot or pan, or are ideal for doubling and freezing for a quick meal any day of the week.Building a support system—Learn which questions to ask your healthcare practitioner, how to effectively communicate the details of your Hashimotos diagnosis with loved ones, and more.
If you’ve been recently diagnosed with Hashimotos thyroiditis, here’s the all-in-one cookbook and meal plan that’s perfect for you.
About The Author:
Daphne has loved the idea of helping other people for as long as she can remember. She knew she wanted to be a dietitian as a young child because she recognized the impact that food can have on your confidence and self-worth. As she grew into adulthood she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and although you could never tell on the outside, she understands what it's like to deal with imbalanced hormones.
Daphne is a food passionista, farm girl wanna-be, and registered, yet unconventional dietitian. She is the founder of The Unconventional Dietitian, her private nutrition practice where she works with people to upgrade to a real food diet. She works with people with varying degrees of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hormonal dysfunction such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and adrenal insufficiency and all of the challenges that go along with them. In her practice she is devoted to providing education, empowerment, and strategies needed to facilitate change to nourish the body and support a healthy lifestyle. Daphne's goal is always to help you enhance your physical wellbeing and gain confidence through the way you feed your body.
Daphne is a food passionista, farm girl wanna-be, and registered, yet unconventional dietitian. She is the founder of The Unconventional Dietitian, her private nutrition practice where she works with people to upgrade to a real food diet. She works with people with varying degrees of metabolic disorders including insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hormonal dysfunction such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis and adrenal insufficiency and all of the challenges that go along with them. In her practice she is devoted to providing education, empowerment, and strategies needed to facilitate change to nourish the body and support a healthy lifestyle. Daphne's goal is always to help you enhance your physical wellbeing and gain confidence through the way you feed your body.
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