I have been stressed out about my kiddos and the first week of school. All three are basically starting over with friends, no new school but of course new teachers.
My youngest is extremely shy and has a hard time talking to new people. She pulls her hair in her face and kind of reminds me of the girl from the Ring expect with blonde hair and grey eyes.
The first day I pulled her blonde hair up into a pony tail making sure she couldn't hide behind it.
I packed up their lunches, filled their water bottles and made sure everyone had all their supplies. I pushed everyone into the car and drove down the street to our local elementary school.
(They could walk. I wrote a post on that.)
As I gave my kiddos their morning pep talk as I pulled into the car line I asked if they wanted me to drop them off at the doors or walk them up. My youngest said "I want to walk with the big kids.) She didn't want me to walk her to the door instead she picked her older brother to walk and wait for me.
I pulled away from the curb watching though the review mirror watching my oldest and youngest standing together waiting to go into their first day. My second daughter walked to her side of the school without so much as a glance back.
I was so proud of my little miss shy and I couldn't wait to pick it up.
I spent the day answering the youngest endless questions of where are his siblings? I loved having tons of time to myself. I loved having my youngest down for a nap and I was able to work out, get the house cleaned and spend some times reading. It felt amazing.
Picking up my tines from school I couldn't wait to hear how their day went. Pulling up to the car line I watched as my two girls walk to the car and seeing my shy little girl all smiles. She loved school and couldn't wait to go back the next day. Her sister liked it enough but still didn't have friends and all the boy teased her. (NOT Ready for that.) My oldest grumbled about homework starting again. (Normal.)
I had never been so happy when it came to school. Now my little shy girl isn't so shy and she loves school. She has a hard time because one of the friends cries because she misses her mom. My little no so shy one doesn't miss me at all.
With the second week starting as well as homework I might carry another tune but as of right now I love that my kids are happy, healthy and in school.
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