I know it is a right of passage as a mother to sit in the bathroom and be questioned by her toddler on her bathroom skills work.
I know you are wondering why don't I just lock the door?
Good questions well honestly it started of with one day I locked the door enjoying the peace and sernity when all of a sudden I head a loud crash and the toddler screaming. in my panic I had forgotten I had locked the door and in the very seconds I thought the very worst.
The toddler was on the floor surrounded by crafts I had put in the center of the table trying to keep him from touching.
I never wanted to feel that panic so I stopped locking the door but at the time my toddler couldn't open the door so he would stick his cute little fingers under the door saysing.
"Momma I need you. Momma I love you. Momma why." The peace I was looking for was again lost!
Now my toddler is turning 3 in May and he opens the door wide for all the world to see. He questions me on my bathroom stills and why it takes so long.
You might be thinking perfect time to potty train. HAHAHAHAH you don't know my kids.
My oldest Potty trained at 3 1/2 and he gave himself a time table too. NO JOKE!
First I will pee in the potty and maybe my but I will definably poop in it. Than when all the diapers are gone I will wear a pull up during the day and a diaper at night just in case. I will again try to poop in the potty. Than when pull ups are all gone I will do everything in the potty.
Guess what that is how he did it for one month!
My kids talk at very early ages it is so cree0py but I love them.
Number 2 came home from Disneyland a week after she turned 3 looked at me and said
"I am never wearing one of theses again." She threw her diapers away and never once had an accident.
Number 3 which I head would be the easiest HA Wrong! She was 3 going on 4 when she finally potty trained and that was because we told her she couldn't go to preschool until she had been potty trained a full year.
Number 4 has yet to show any interest in the potty unless it is me going potty.
So the bathroom is far from the place I hide from my kids. Everyone says I will miss the day when my kids no longer want to talk to me in the bathroom. When and if that day happens you are all more than welcome to say "I TOLD YOU SO!"
AS for right now I dream for that day to come with open arms. To Poop and Pee ALONE HEAVENLY.
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