Friday, December 31, 2010
Think Like a Black Belt - Jim Bouchard

Author: Jim Bouchard
Publishers: San Chi Publishing
ISBN-10: 0578057506
ISBN-13: 978-0578057507
Copyright: 2010
Pages: 180
Quick Review: 5 stars (out of 5)
Why did I read it: The author contacted me though Goodreads and asked if I would read it. He sent me a copy.
Synopsis: Change the way you think about life, business and success forever. From now on, Think Like a Black Belt!Bestselling author Larry Winget
says “Jim, a real black belt himself, does a great job teaching you to
be your best by obtaining the mindset that will propel you towards excellence. Read this book!”Spencer Hughes,
host of FOX Across America calls Think Like a Black Belt “a much needed
roundhouse kick to laziness and complacency for those of us who need
that spark to make our dreams come true.”Think Like a Black Belt is a
full-contact look at the fundamental mindset characteristics we all need
to achieve excellence in personal and professional life. The author,
Jim Bouchard, shares the philosophy he developed as a professional
martial artist to give the reader a look inside the mind of a black
belt. Not another “quick fix” entry to the personal development genre,
this book lays the foundation for success by examining
the values and characteristics essential to the process of personal
growth including discipline, focus, confidence and courage. The author
freely shares his journey from college drop-out and drug abuser to black
belt and professional martial artist.Often blunt, this book sometimes
punches the reader in the face with the reality. At other times the
author gently takes your hand and offers encouragement in a humorous,
accessible “tough-love” format. If you’re looking for shortcuts, this
book is not for you. If you’re ready to take control of your life and
step into the ring with Black Belt Mindset you’ve found your “Sensei.”
I loved this book, motivation is something I need as we come to the end
of the year. I need to set goals and get ready for something new. I
added my favorite quotes. The leadership chapter was great, "Leadership
is the ultimate expression of sharing." He quoted Patton: "A good leader
takes responsibility when things go bad and shares the credit when
things go right." So true, who do you know that does that? And do you
want to be like them? I do.
agree with him on competition, it seems to have gotten a bad rap, but
without it- we all fail. "Fair competition does not destroy; it makes
both combatants stronger." What are we doing not letting our kids
compete? My daughter was saying she was doing so well at flute she
didn't need to practice as much, until the teacher moved her up a class
and she was at the bottom. It made her mad, but then she started to
work harder and practice more so she could be at the top of the class
again. She is growing with the competition, not sitting complacent. She
needs to be pushed like everyone else so she can find her true potential.
"Complacent societies don't progress, they stagnate." Do we want to
stagnate? I don't!!! But you can see that happening around you every
agree with almost everything he says, we are responsible for ourselves,
we cannot expect or wait for someone to pull us up by our boot straps.
We need to put on our big boy or girl pants and get in the game. Sitting
around waiting for someone to change your circumstance is wrong and not
only that, its stupid, get off your lazy butt and do what you need to
to succeed. Be thankful for those who help you along the way, but
remember it is you who is responsible for you. Not the government, not
you parents and not society as a whole.
is ultimately your decision to accept personal responsibly for your own
success and happiness. The greatest responsibility you have is to
continually improve yourself, Make yourself better and you bring more value to the world." Again, I loved this book.
a wonderful world we would live in if everyone took responsibility for
themselves. I plan to keep doing just that and to teach my children the
same. You're the only one who can improve or change your situation, if
you aren't happy then get out there and do something about
it. It isn't education that makes people successful, its hard work and
perseverance. If you have an education, its because you worked for it
and deserve it and any success you gain from having it, but it doesn't
change who you are. You are a motivated, hard working, disciplined,
focused individual and that is what will win the race in the end. Now go
get this book and read it, we all can use a little kick in the butt

Author Biography: Martial arts transformed Jim’s self-perception from former drug abuser and failure to successful entrepreneur and Black Belt. As a speaker and author of Amazon bestseller Think Like a Black Belt, Jim tours nationally presenting his philosophy of Black Belt Mindset for coporate and conference audiences. He's a regular guest on TV and radio programs including FOX News, BBC Worldview and FOX Across America.
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