Title: Go Ivy Go
Author: Lorena McCourtney
Stars 5 out of 5
Just finished " Go Ivy go" an Ivy Malone mystery by Lorena McCourtney, it was a fun book causing me to remember why I like the series. The story centers around Ivy, after having been on the run for a few years, decides to return to her little house on Madison St. in an unnamed city in the Midwest about a day and a half from St. Paul just north of Nebraska, as I said some unnamed city in the Midwest.
she arrives she notices the yard is a mass of weeds and some rather
oddities that had not been there before, such as a mannequin head, a
picture of Elvis, and other such miscellaneous things that normally are
not used to decorate a yard. As Ivy unlocks the side door, she steps in
and is assaulted with an odor that is almost overwhelming, but closed
up houses do have smells so she proceeded to open up the downstairs
Windows and then proceeded to the upstairs, passing an unpleasant stain
on the carpet.
background on Ivy! She is an LOL or little old lady, Who wears
sensible shoes, with rugged gray hair and quite a few wrinkles and sags
in all the wrong places. Ivy also has the habit of stumbling into
fancies herself as a Jr. Detective and tries to solve murders but
usually get's herself into serious trouble which is why she has been on
the run for the last few years. It hasn't been all bad, while on the
run Ivy has made some very good friends including one she really, really
likes, named Mac.
back to Ivy's present murder. The smell was stronger upstairs as Ivy
headed to the bedroom and bathroom that she and Harvey shared for over
40 years. She opened the bedroom window and then headed to the bathroom
to air out that area when she stumbled over some rags on the floor that
also were in the bath tub. Well she had to clean the whole place she
might just as well start here. Leaning over, listening to her back
creak, she picked up the rags and jumped back, under the rags she saw a
black and very shriveled toe, human toe, oh no! Thought Ivy, not again!
Great book, end of a great series, sorry to see the series end! I give this book five stars out of five!
Thank you Eileen for your Review
Ivy Malone is back! This "invisible" LOL (little old lady) has been on the run, hiding out from the vengeful Braxtons, for almost three years now. With an unlikely propensity for getting tangled up in murder, and with the threat of the Braxtons always on her heels, they have not been dull years. Friend (boyfriend?) Mac MacPherson is usually around too, hints of marriage occasionally surfacing - but always sinking.
But Ivy's longing for home back in Missouri has been growing ever stronger. Now, with the Braxtons' interest in her apparently over, a letter offering to buy her house, and a sign from the Lord, she happily decides it's time to return home.
Mac, however, is less than happy about her decision. When she heads for Missouri, he goes a different direction, a parting with a dark finality.
Okay, fine. She can live without Mac, can't she? Once back on Madison Street, the area looks more rundown than when she left and her house a little shabby, but she's still so very glad to be home.
Until she discovers an unpleasant surprise in the upstairs bathtub, a surprise that makes her wonder if she misinterpreted the "sign" from the Lord, and maybe coming home was a big mistake. Because it definitely appears she has not been forgotten by the Braxtons after all.
Kindle Edition, 216 pages
May 27th 2015
by Rogue Ridge Press
About The Author:

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