Product : Angry Orange - Pet Odor Remover
Review: I mixed this according to the instructions on the bottle and then sprayed my carpets where my dog uses off and on - we clean it up every time and even lock him out of that room most of the time - I do not know what it is about that room - he likes using the space under the piano- drives me crazy - but my kids love him...
Well that said my whole house smelled like oranges for a few days - my sister came over and she commented - "boy your house smells great what are you burning?" in my scentsy pot I think she meant. But the house did smell amazing and fresh - it has been over a week now and I do not smell oranges when I come home any more - but I did put my nose right to the carpet and it smells good still and I did not detect any pet mess smell - I usually use vinegar and the house smells like I am making pickles - I do like the orange smell much more,
I am impressed with the way this product removes the pet odor - now I just need the dog to go outside and do his business - he hates rain and cold - so that is about 80% of the time - he's lucky hes so cute.
I received this product for an honest review - I love it - 5 stars
Description: GUARANTEED TO GET RID OF THE TOUGHEST PET ODORS! Angry Orange is a commercial grade citrus odor eliminator that was originally formulated for use in industrial applications such as feedlots, sludge-ponds, poultry farms, rendering plants, pet waste removal companies and boarding kennels. IMAGINE WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU.
MAKES (4) 32oz SPRAY BOTTLES (1 GALLON) - A little goes a long way.You'll be paying less than $7.50 per 32oz bottle for a superior product compared to $19.97 for other products that are basically carpet cleaning solution with some fragrance. BETTER PRICE FOR A BETTER PRODUCT.
PET ODOR ELIMINATOR PLUS MORE. Not only can it be used in the home on carpet and tile, it can be used at eliminating odors in the yard , around bushes, and anywhere pet waste odor is an issue. Other uses include cat litter boxes , eliminates the ammonia and methane odors associated with these, kennel surfaces , pet waste removal containers an so much more.
100% Percent Money Back Guarantee.
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