1. Buying books takes only a second.
2. The print looks like your reading a book and you can even highlight passages.
3. It easy to hold, it only takes one hand and to turn the page you hit a button on either side.
4. Going forward and back is simple.
5. It remembers where you are in the book.
6. You can store hundreds of books and have them all at your finger tips.
7. Its not back lit so it doesn't bother your eyes like a computer screen can.
8. Its small and compact, no more piles of books around the house.
I must admit now I need to get one for myself. The only drawback is that we use the library for most of our books and now with the ease of buying and reading on the Kindle, I think it is going to cost me more money in the long run.
I love my Kindle!!! Although you are right I haven't been to the library in weeks. Whats hard for me is the .99 cent books start to add up pretty quick. I haven't charged my kindle in almost one month. I love my kindle