Title: Hike Smart
Author(s) Ann Marie Brown and Terra Breeden
Stars: 4 out of 5
Who doesn't love the great outdoors? I love hiking and exploring whenever I get the chance. Now that I bring my kids along for hiking I have found some good and bad things hiking. I was given the chance to review this book and I jumped.
I found this book to have great information for those who are just starting out and those who want to be more adventurous. it is a great reference guide from foot care and blisters to gear you bring with you. It gives suggestions that I found great and others I didn't quite like.
Living in Arizona hiking can be deadly during the warmer months this book need to add a little more information about dealing with the type of hiking.
If you are starting out or need a refreshers on hiking dos and don't this book is a wonderful guide.
Thank you this free copy.
Are you a first-timer about to take your inaugural trek? Are you veteran hiker looking to be even more efficient when enjoying the sport you love? Are you someone in between? Then look no further than expert trekker Ann Brown’s Hike Smart, the definitive guide to efficient and enjoyable hiking for all levels of experience.
Paperback, 256 pages
Published April 18th 2017 by Skyhorse Publishing
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