Today my Kids read books than test after they read those books and than are given a reward for reading. Than when they reach their goal it is announced to the whole school to congratulate that student. I fell in love with Idea when they were giving away buttons and my son reached Star level which was the top level for the entire school that year.
Than we fell into the Crap what does my kid read now because everything in his age group is boring and everything above him well he isn't quite emotionally read for. To some amazing teachers they help encouraging him to read just about anything and work hard to find books for him to read.
His AR level is 8th grade and he is only in 5th. Thank Heavens for Fudge series.
Than here come my daughter who loves to read and her AR test score is 8th grade as well but she is only in 2nd grade. IF she doesn't read book in her color level they won't give her points. Just like my sons teacher they encourage her to read any book she can get her hands on but she can't test on them there for she doesn't get her name announce over loud speaker.
I love that my kiddos do not have to write book reports but at the same time they read at their grade level they are bored and can't test because it is below her score. When she reads at the level the test gives her she doesn't under a lot of the emotions or romance in the books which causes her to pass the test but leaving her confused. She loves to read everything and anything she can get her hands on. Right now she is reading Little house in the Big Woods, Dork Diaries, Diary of a Wimpy kid, and Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary. Yes all at once and yes she can tell you about each book in detail.
All my kids teacher each Friday give the kids 20 min reading time where they can choose to test, read, or catch on homework. I love my kids teachers they work so hard to give my kids the very best and this is one job I could never do.
Thank you to all the teachers who do their best and never see the reward. I want you to know I see you reward. Thank you.
Link to the AR books if you are interested.
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