How did my mom do it? There were 7 of us and I can't remember a time my mom was sick. I remember when I was sick, my dad was sick even my siblings but I can't remember a time seeing my mom sick laying in bed. The thing is I know she had to be sick after all I have 4 kids and I get a head cold or sick at least three times a year.
How did my mom do it? 7 kids and Husband. How did she do it?
I have a nasty head cold as well as my husband. All I want to do is sleep, stand in a hot shower and sleep some more. Yet life still goes on. The kids need to be feed, laundry needs to be done, and the house needs just the right amount of cleaning so it doesn't look like a a tornado blew in.
1. Everyone needs to be hugged and kissed.
2. Everyone needs baths.
3. Everyone needs clean clothes
4. Everyone needs to eat breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. (Thankful my husband takes care of breakfast otherwise the kids would be living off pop tarts.)
5. Dishes need to be washes, put away and loaded into he dishwasher again.
6. Grouchy Mom = Unhappy Family
7. School Projects need to be done.
8. Sick mom means nothing get cleaned.
9. Sick Mom means tried mom which means no park days.
10. Sick mom means no one gets hugs and kisses.
We are a equal partnership family. My husband puts in 100% and I put in 100% but when we are all sick its hard to put in 10% to keep the house, family and everyone working as a team. Thankful when when I am down MOM. Dad is able to pick up the extra hugs, kisses, dinner and bed time stories.
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