and honestly I have no idea if anyone really read these post. This might be more therapeutic than anything else.
With that being said I have been struggling with my health for a while but being full time mom I put pain and issues in the back for my mind pushing though what I could and dealing with only what was here and now. My friends and well body pointed out things that were not normal.
In March things took a turn for the worst and I couldn't ignore it anymore. I went to see my general doctor. Seeing as I only saw him once a year for a physical we were not really facebook friends either. After some lab work and X-rays he found I had moderate Arthritis in my neck and lower back with bone spurs. (Crazy Kid) I figured ok that's a little different but I can work with it. The next news had me crying not sure what to think other than Why? What? He read out my blood work. I rare disease called Mixed Connective Tissue disorder.
What is that you ask? Good question. It is a autoimmune disease that is like Lupus on Steroids but the good news I will live into my 90's like my grandparents. My body however isn't working out. I was passed on to a Rheumatologist who ran more blood work to confirm I have Mixed Connective Tissue with Mild Lupus.
How are you asking? Why are you asking? When did my body decide turn on me?
My body just started attacking the bad cells and the good cells. After one of many flu, cold, infection that is spread around by the little humans in my house. Who knows really...
I have found it is more difficult to sleep, working out, read, clean my house and all the good stuff the normal 40 year old body should or would like to do.
I find writing even blogs tries me out. Which is depressing when you think about how much I love to read.
If you are reading this and find long gaps of review or missing life moments I share with you. Please understand my body and mind are in need of a break.
The good news I am not dying. I am just adjusting to medications and life. My family comes first and this blog is way down on the list.
That is what is going on with life. I try and find humor in the crazy moments of life. I will bring that humor to my personal post that I have found help me cope with everything and all the crazy things that happen daily.
Thank you for following this book review blog as it has changed hands and adjusted to well Life.
Oh my dear. What an adjustment for you to have to make. All the very best.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much. It is a huge change for my family and as well for me. Lets just say my bucket list has changed but I still plan on going on adventures. I am too stubborn to give up on my dreams just adjust them.