Title: Why We Dream: The Transformative Power of Our Nightly Journe
Author: Alice Robb
Stars: 4 Stars
As someone who struggles to find sleep for whatever reason if I dream when I wake up tried or not I am excited. I am in late 30s OKOK I am going to turn 40 in January. I find it harder and hard not only to sleep but dream. I have been told dreams are a way for your mind to process the events of the day. It takes everything you see, heard, watch, talked about and more and tries to make since of it as you dream. I wish I had started a dream journal when I was younger.
My sons tells me all the time if he is having a bad dream and can't wake up he takes control of his dream. I ask for him to write them down all the time.
Alice Robb help readers realize that dreams are not just dreams or even understanding of ones day but it is a guide of ones mental health. Why We Dream is a blend of psychology and dream analysis. Depending on your mind set this can change your life and make you a believer or you will talk away finding interesting topic but still sleep with or without dreams.
Thank you Netgalley and the Publisher Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for an advance copy of Alice Robb Why We Dream.
While on a research trip in Peru, science journalist Alice Robb became hooked on lucid dreaming—the uncanny phenomenon in which a sleeping person can realize that they’re dreaming and even control the dreamed experience. Finding these forays both puzzling and exhilarating, Robb dug deeper into the science of dreams at an extremely opportune moment: just as researchers began to understand why dreams exist. They aren’t just random events; they have clear purposes. They help us learn and even overcome psychic trauma.
Robb draws on fresh and forgotten research, as well as her experience and that of other dream experts, to show why dreams are vital to our emotional and physical
Why We Dream is a clear-eyed, cutting-edge examination of the meaning and purpose of our nightly visions and a guide to changing our dream lives—and making our waking lives richer, healthier, and happier.
Hardcover, 272 pages
Published November 20th 2018 by Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

I wrote a book called Why We Dream. It was published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt on November 20, 2018 and you can buy it here. It’s been recommended by Vogue, Elle, TIME, LitHub, New York and The London Evening Standard.
The New Yorker says it’s “a spirited rebuke to the idea of sleep as a mere parting with consciousness… she is able to tread a careful and persuasive line between robust skepticism and open-mindedness…Part of the charm of Robb’s book lies in her willingness to journey beyond the bounds of what is scientifically verifiable—to embrace the strictly unrigorous ways in which humans attempt to extract meaning from their dream lives….In celebrating dreams as poetic artifacts, Robb offers a welcome antidote to the medicine administered by most sleep gurus. She is a more persuasive sleep saleswoman precisely because she does not champion slumber solely as a mental-health aid—an enhancer of acuity and efficiency, and so forth—but as an end in itself.”
I have written for The New Republic (where I was a staff writer), New York, The New Statesman, The Atlantic, Elle, Foreign Policy, The Washington Post, Vice, The BBC and British Vogue. My work has been republished by Slate, CNN, The Week, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan and Town & Country.
I graduated from Oxford with a BA in Archaeology and Anthropology.
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