16 year! Besides my home town of Austin Mn Aka Spam Town USA this the longest place I have ever lived in my life.
I honestly don't know what to say or think but I hope I can call myself an Arizonian now. I never really liked the cold, snow and endless days without sun but I can say I never thought I would be living in Arizona.
I was a lost 21 year old who didn't have any idea where she was going in life when my twin cousin called me up and asked me to come play in Arizona with his wife. Both were going to ASU at the time and I figured what could it hurt. I had just bought my first car without any help from my parents. I packed my car drove down to New Orleans and took I 10 until I reached my cousin apartment near ASU.

(Gotta Love the Haboob Again Not my picture but many like it)
Those first few months I had been smart and save before I quite my security job with Hormel. Yes laugh all you want but people loved me smiling and waving them into the Corporate offices. I was a cute kid with a big smile.
One I arrived in Arizona I think I had ever odd job you can think of and some I kept wondering if they were legal sometimes. I found a place to rent with several other girls and some how stayed two years before meeting my future husband and best friend.
I gave myself 3 months and than I was going to move to Utah to be with my sisters or California to live with my grandparents until I figure out what I was going to do. My wise younger sister gave me some advice I still use to this day. "You can't live somewhere 3 months. All you see is the worst of it and than leave. Give yourself 1 year and if you still hate it move on."
Not My Photo! But I have may like it.
As you can see I haven't moved on. I found the beauty in Arizona, the desert sunsets, the amazing winters, unbelievable hiking, 4 hours from the beach, 2 hours from ski resorts, and endless blue skies. Best part is I on;y wear a jacket maybe one month out of the year and flip flops all year around.
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