Hope today will help you find what you are thankful for in life.
I am Thankful for
1. My husband because without him I wouldn't be the health person I am today.
2. My children they drive me nuts on the best of day and they make me laugh on the worst.
3. My religion because it gives me guidance in the darkest of times and reminds me I will see those I love and miss one day again.
4. Family and Friends who believe in me and love me.
5. Life
6. Love
7. My working Washing Machine which I can't live without.
8. Clean Running water because I can't live without my shower cold or hot water I don't care as long as it gets me clean.
9. The United States and the Freedoms I have as a woman to express my views.
10. Education knowing my children will one day rule the world in there own little ways.
11. Books that I can enjoy and get away from the world around me for a few short hours.
12. My healthy family. It has been hard with everyone coming down with strep but to have them healthy again bring hope in my heart.
13. Insurance because without it out I don't know if I could bring myself to see the doctor sick or not.
14. Love between a husband and a wife. I truly married my best friend who believes in me even when I don't believe in myself. He gives me strength when I am weak
Count your blessing. Name them out loud or write them down. If you are grateful for someone left them know.
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