I want thank those who send us book to review. I want you to understand that the reviews are simply our thoughts and sometimes opinions on how we feel reading your book. It truly isn't personal.
I can't imagine how hard it is for a writer to spend months or even years writing a book only to have one person tell you they disliked it or even hated it. You work so hard to bring the voices in your head and your vision to life than your receive a negative review. It must be heart crushing.
Honestly when we give negative reviews we really don't want to. In fact most of the time we go in hoping the book will be as amazing as it sounds. I do not go into reading a book hoping to give a negative review. We love reading and being pulled into another world, time, life. We love adventures where we do not know if everyone you love will survive. We just love reading
Do any of us have literature degrees?
No. We are just people who love to read. I have read hundreds of books some so amazing I will read it a dozen more times and others I can't even finish it.
Our reviews are only coming from our simple thoughts, understand of grammar, spelling and the ability for a writer to tell a story in words.
Reviews are one persons thought and opinion. We try hard to keep our opinions out of the reviews. However we are human and it happens.
I will not pull reviews, I will not take them down because an author, publisher or fans do not agree. We are not paid for our thoughts expect in books.
Thank you for sending us your books and trusting us enough to read your story.
I read book reviews to find out people's opinions. I'm happy for them to be different to mine, but I want to know what they think (and why), positive and negative.
ReplyDeleteBecause reviews are about sharing your thoughts and opinions with readers, not stroking the egos of writers. And I hope I can remember this when I eventually publish a book!
Thank you for you for your comment. I never go out of my way to hurt an authors feelings. As reviews we can get a little harsh but that is because we expect so much. When books are present in such a ways we can't wait to read the book and than start the book to find grammar, spelling the story lacks the ability be constant its hard.
ReplyDeleteI tell Indie author as well as publish we will not sugar coat anything. Read out review and pick a reviewer or expect who ever gets the book to get a really honest review.