Title: Social Death
Author: Tatiana Boncompagni
Review: SOCIAL DEATH by Tatiana Boncompagni is a
murder mystery where the story revolves around the news reporting business
which is quite a change for the normal murder mysteries I have been reading. The story made you realize how cut-throat the
news can be even when it comes to the death of someone famous.
Shaw is an extremely flawed character but she was always very honest which made
her hard to root for while reading the story and sometimes you want to shake
her and yell open your eyes. When you find out about Clydes past you realize
why she is so flawed which makes you root for her and most everyone she cares
mystery has enough twist and turns to keep the reader turning the page and at
the end you might find yourself rereading the book to find the truth the author
has hidden though out the pages.
assume the author is in the news business with her details of reporting as well
as the “Leaks, Leads and off the record comment or non-denial and denial” from
characters and the police.
My only
complaint which goes with most books I have been reading lately is how every
male in a book is hot, sexy, dark and handsome.
Which is fine if you have one but when you are introduced to several and
they are all hot, sex, handsome, dark and mysterious it gets to be a little
I am
not sure you could consider this a chick lit mystery but it has the elements I
find in most of the chick lit mysteries expect with her use of a more
sophisticated vocabulary. Social Death is a good balance of romance, mystery
and a little bit of fun while looking into the News reporting industry.
I read
Social Death while basking in the sun in San Diego so I can honestly say it’s a
good beach read.
received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Thank you Heidi for this review.
Published: Published March 5th 2014 by Tatiana
ISBN: 9780989909402
Count: 308
Quick Review: 4 out of 5 stars
Why I Read this Title: Sent by the publisher
Synopsis: The rich are different than you and me.
They have deadlier secrets.
A beautiful socialite is brutally murdered in her
exclusive New York City apartment building. A financier's trophy wife and the
night doorman are the last two people to see her alive. There's no sign of
forced entry. No known motive. Just a neighbor's account of overhearing a
heated argument outside the victim's apartment on the night of the murder.
Clyde Shaw has built a career covering brutal crimes
for the FirstNews network, but this story may be more than the top news
producer can handle. The murder victim, Olivia Kravis, is the daughter of
FirstNews's mogul founder-and Clyde's best friend since childhood.
As a high-stakes network ratings war begins, Clyde's
own privileged yet troubled past comes back to haunt her, and she's forced to
choose between finding her best friend's killer and losing everything-her job,
her reputation, even her life. Long-guarded secrets. Millions at stake. And
only Clyde holds the key to unlocking the truth.
"A breathless thriller that takes the reader
deep inside the worlds of television news and glitterati New York. This is
great stuff. " Stuart Woods, New York Times Bestselling author of
Unintended Consequences

Information: Tatiana
Boncompagni is the author of SOCIAL DEATH, a mystery set on the Upper East Side,
and two women's fiction novels: GILDING LILY and HEDGE FUND WIVES.
Her writing has appeared in dozens of publications,
including the New York Times, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal,
InStyle, Marie Claire, Town & Country and Vogue.
Tatiana graduated magna cum laude from the School of
Foreign Service at Georgetown University. She is married and has three
children. She enjoys baking anything with chocolate, drinking good wine and
finding a moment of peace in Shavasana. She does not like doing the dishes.
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