Title: Into the Storm: Lessons in Teamwork from the Treacherous Sydney to Hobart
Ocean Race
Author: Dennis Perkins & Jillian Murphy
Review: Ostensibly this is the tail of a boat race. A boat race that headed straight into a perfect storm of destruction. It details the plight of Captain Ed Psaltis and his crew aboard the Midnight Rambler as they competed in the famed Sydney to Hobart race. With great peril to their own lives they not only attacked the storm but became the overall winner of the race; a feat not typically accomplished by a small boat.
Now I am someone who gets motion sick on something as simple as a ferris wheel, the thought of ever going on a boat (even in calm waters) is nauseating. Even so I found the tenacity of the crew fascinating, especially as they faced challenges. You should recognize the classic business book/case study with this scenario. A small yet determined crew against all odds, conditions that set back lesser teams, were able to overcome and achieve the ultimate success. You begin to see where our author is coming from with this story. He analyzed the entire race and several of the boats with their crews, and was able to distill down ten principles which allowed our heroes to conquer the field. These same principles when applied to any aspect of your life, especially business, will also allow you to succeed too.
I won’t go into them all but I will share one little side story that seems to be indicative of the whole project. While preparing for the race the Captain had a crew member disassemble, clean, and reassemble the cook stove in the boat. It was a time consuming process and not really that easy to complete, but especially when you consider on a four day race they wouldn’t be using the stove even once. It came down to knowing your ship completely and the discipline to follow orders without delay. When in a time of crisis everyone needs to work together as a team to get things done quickly. Any delays in this process, especially when 80 foot waves are crashing down on you, can lead to accidents and death. So this act let the crew know that there will be no shortcuts on this boat and we all will work together, always. If you can’t then we will need to replace you.
And so goes the whole book, taking the small microcosm of the Midnight Rambler as she battled the storm and race, and then teaching you the principles it takes to make it through. An enjoyable read that almost makes me want to try sailing too (almost, but not quite; but that is still a huge compliment in my weak stomach case). You will learn a few pointers that can help any endeavor you may wish to participate in.
Publisher: AMACOM
ISBN: 978-0-8144-3198-6
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 249
Quick Review: 4 stars out of 5
Why I Read It: Always enjoy a good Business book
Where I Obtained the Book: Sent to me for review by the publisher
Synopsis: The Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is among the most demanding sailing competitions in the world. Unpredictable seas make the 628-nautical-mile course grueling under the best conditions, but the 1998 race proved to be the most perilous to date when a sudden and violent storm struck. Winds gusted over 100 mph and monstrous 80-foot waves towered over boat masts. Six sailors perished and another 55 were saved in what became the largest search and rescue operation in Australia's history. In the face of turmoil and tragedy, a crew of "amateur" sailors piloted their tiny vessel, the AFR Midnight Rambler, not only to the finish but to overall victory. While bigger, better-equipped yachts attempted to maneuver around the storm, Ed Psaltis and his crew made the daring decision to head directly into its path. Their triumph--perhaps even their survival--owes itself to an extraordinary level of teamwork: an alchemy of cooperation, trust, planning, and execution. "Into the Storm" chronicles their nearly four-day ordeal and draws parallels to the world of business, revealing 10 critical strategies for teamwork at the edge. Illustrated with examples from the story and compelling case studies, the book sheds light on what teams need to do to succeed in tough times. Finally, "Into the Storm" provides resources and tools to support teams as they navigate the chaotic seas of business today.
Author: Dennis Perkins & Jillian Murphy
Review: Ostensibly this is the tail of a boat race. A boat race that headed straight into a perfect storm of destruction. It details the plight of Captain Ed Psaltis and his crew aboard the Midnight Rambler as they competed in the famed Sydney to Hobart race. With great peril to their own lives they not only attacked the storm but became the overall winner of the race; a feat not typically accomplished by a small boat.
Now I am someone who gets motion sick on something as simple as a ferris wheel, the thought of ever going on a boat (even in calm waters) is nauseating. Even so I found the tenacity of the crew fascinating, especially as they faced challenges. You should recognize the classic business book/case study with this scenario. A small yet determined crew against all odds, conditions that set back lesser teams, were able to overcome and achieve the ultimate success. You begin to see where our author is coming from with this story. He analyzed the entire race and several of the boats with their crews, and was able to distill down ten principles which allowed our heroes to conquer the field. These same principles when applied to any aspect of your life, especially business, will also allow you to succeed too.
I won’t go into them all but I will share one little side story that seems to be indicative of the whole project. While preparing for the race the Captain had a crew member disassemble, clean, and reassemble the cook stove in the boat. It was a time consuming process and not really that easy to complete, but especially when you consider on a four day race they wouldn’t be using the stove even once. It came down to knowing your ship completely and the discipline to follow orders without delay. When in a time of crisis everyone needs to work together as a team to get things done quickly. Any delays in this process, especially when 80 foot waves are crashing down on you, can lead to accidents and death. So this act let the crew know that there will be no shortcuts on this boat and we all will work together, always. If you can’t then we will need to replace you.
And so goes the whole book, taking the small microcosm of the Midnight Rambler as she battled the storm and race, and then teaching you the principles it takes to make it through. An enjoyable read that almost makes me want to try sailing too (almost, but not quite; but that is still a huge compliment in my weak stomach case). You will learn a few pointers that can help any endeavor you may wish to participate in.
Publisher: AMACOM
ISBN: 978-0-8144-3198-6
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 249
Quick Review: 4 stars out of 5
Why I Read It: Always enjoy a good Business book
Where I Obtained the Book: Sent to me for review by the publisher
Synopsis: The Sydney Hobart Yacht Race is among the most demanding sailing competitions in the world. Unpredictable seas make the 628-nautical-mile course grueling under the best conditions, but the 1998 race proved to be the most perilous to date when a sudden and violent storm struck. Winds gusted over 100 mph and monstrous 80-foot waves towered over boat masts. Six sailors perished and another 55 were saved in what became the largest search and rescue operation in Australia's history. In the face of turmoil and tragedy, a crew of "amateur" sailors piloted their tiny vessel, the AFR Midnight Rambler, not only to the finish but to overall victory. While bigger, better-equipped yachts attempted to maneuver around the storm, Ed Psaltis and his crew made the daring decision to head directly into its path. Their triumph--perhaps even their survival--owes itself to an extraordinary level of teamwork: an alchemy of cooperation, trust, planning, and execution. "Into the Storm" chronicles their nearly four-day ordeal and draws parallels to the world of business, revealing 10 critical strategies for teamwork at the edge. Illustrated with examples from the story and compelling case studies, the book sheds light on what teams need to do to succeed in tough times. Finally, "Into the Storm" provides resources and tools to support teams as they navigate the chaotic seas of business today.

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