Title: Simple Secrets to a Happy Life
Author: Luci Swindoll
Review: This is a sweet, easy to read book on 50 things that can help improve the happiness of your life. I found most of them things I could do better and some I could start doing. A few I was on the fence about and may or may not try them in my life.
It was a hard book to put down since all the chapters were short and each led into the next. I think reading one a day would be a great way to really use this book to its fullest. That way you could bring that secret into your life during the day you read about it.
Being happy is a choice and I think that Luci makes that clear in the idea that you can improve your own happiness with a few simple steps and ideas. Make the choice to be happy, or make the choice to be miserable it really is up to each of us to decide how we will face each new day. I love the saying, “If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.” So true in my life, I set the tone for my family each and every day. I would much rather set a happy tone for all seven of us to follow then an unhappy one.
Do you want to be happier? Who doesn’t? Give this book a try and I think that anyone can find something that they can use between its pages. Change is sometimes a good thing ;)
Publisher: Published March 13th 2012 by Thomas Nelson Publishers
Copyright: 2012
Pages: 224
ISBN: 9781400203536
Quick Review: 5 Stars out of 5.
Where Did I Get the Book: Sent by the publisher for review. I picked this book to review on Booksneeze.
Synopsis: Simple rules for a successful, intentional life approached in a no-nonsense manner with a solid, scriptural foundation.
Luci Swindoll, a beloved Women of Faith speaker for sixteen years and a distinctive Christian voice in writing and speaking for thirty years, gives readers common-sense rules to live by. These are rules we may know but don't often use-because we don't think about them.
Luci's book places these practical rules in one small, well-organized, fun-to-read compendium that can be referred to again and again.

Author Biography: Can a person be a Christian and a "free spirit" at the same time? They can when they realize there are infinite possibilities for those who serve the God of fulfillment and joy. Luci Swindoll came to this realization at an early age.
"I get my adventurous spirit from my Christian parents who encouraged my two brothers and me to live life fully," Luci explains in Today’s Christian Woman. "I love trying new things...I pursued a career, learned Italian, sang professionally with the Dallas Opera for 15 years, and traveled worldwide." As a business professional, she worked at Mobil Oil Corporation for 30 years before becoming vice president of public relations at Insight for Living, the international radio ministry founded by her brother, Charles. But what Luci enjoys doing most is simply having fun in the Lord, another trait she has had since childhood. Her enthusiasm for life was creatively expressed in a "Bible verse" she wrote as a little girl:
"Verily, verily, I say unto you: thou shalt find a party at the end of this street. Turn not to the right nor the left, but direct your steps toward it. Great will be your fun upon arrival. Walk ye in Haste." (from a acloserlook.com. review of Swindoll’s You Bring the Confetti, God Brings the Joy)
As a natural extension of her outgoing personality, Luci spreads the joy and happiness of the Lord as much as she experiences it. Today, she spends most of her time traveling across the United States as an inspirational conference speaker for Women of Faith, a ministry dedicated to the spiritual growth and encouragement of women. She also writes uplifting books on her own and with her Women of Faith sisters, including Barbara Johnson and Patsy Clairmont. Luci’s "solo" books include Celebrating Life (a workbook-style guide that shows you how to enjoy your talents, experiences, and relationships) and You Bring the Confetti, God Brings the Joy (a call for Christians to savor life and not take it so seriously). Among her co-authored works are the bestsellers The Joyful Journey (based on the Women of Faith seminar of the same name) and Joy Breaks (a collection of 90 heart-lifting devotions). Luci's recent books are I Married Adventure (a road map for living your life deliberately), and The Best Devotions of Luci Swindoll.
Though her schedule is filled with speaking engagements that take her from city to city, Luci, who’s single and loves it, stays grounded. "Other than my relationship with Christ," she says, "friendship is the most important thing in my life. We only have so much time and energy, but friendship is worth it. Yet I also realize I’m a family of one, and it’s okay to be alone. In those times of solitude I really learn who I am---and how to give to others." (Today’s Christian Woman)
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