Review: I cannot begin to express how excited I was to find this book for sale, used, and in America!! I was browsing the shelves at the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Alabama while on vacation (yes - Vacation). I found this as well as two other books that were not even available here in the states yet. This one still isn't. Obviously someone in Europe bought it for travelling and left it on the plane - yeah for them and for me.
We once again return to screwed up but obsessively dedicated police detective Harry Hole of the Oslo (Norway). He has given up the work and is living in Hong Kong, drunk and addicted to drugs. Unfortunately the police back home have a murderer they can't get a handle on, and Harry is their go to guy for the truly tough cases. The Oslo police force would just soon be done with him, it's just that he is extremely good at cracking these cases.
He returns to battle a particularly violent killer with a seemingly random victim selection procedure, their is also a lot of political in-fighting in the police force. As usual Harry doesn't give a flying duck, he just wants to solve the puzzle with his kick ass style. From Hong Kong to Norway to Africa, Nesbo takes you into the mind of a troubled man, and the sociopath he is tracking.
Nesbo is one of the great ones who let you know why Nordic Noir is so hot right now. Gritty crime unraveled one secret at a time. The irony of these books was how far removed the Nordic states were from this fictional world of violence. It has been a extremely tragic time in Norway as one terribly sick individual has made it a reality.
Copyright: 2009 (2011 translated)
Pages: 611
ISBN: 978-1-846-55401-8
ISBN: 978-1-846-55401-8
Quick Review: 5 Stars
Why I Read it: I began with the Nordic books with Henning Mankell. Loved them so much I found Nesbo as I expanded to other writers from that area.
Jo Nesbø was born on March 29, 1960. He is a Norwegian author and musician. As of September 2008 more than one and a half million copies of his novels have been sold in Norway, and his work has been translated into over 40 languages. Nesbø was born in Oslo, Norway. He graduated from the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration with a degree in Economics. He was a stockbroker before deciding to become a writer.
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