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Come again, another blog hop coming up on the 21st.

Title: Delayed Flight
Author: John Smith
Review: I loved the idea of this book, who wouldn’t want to find out what happen to their first love? Well I would love to know what he is doing today and what a great way to catch-up while having nothing better to do. Finding yourself stuck at an airport is a bummer, but then finding someone you know stuck also is a blessing(or I hope it is anyway. I guess it would depend on who it was.) Looking at the cover and thinking about the idea of the book made me smile.
As for the book itself, well it fell a bit flat for me. I don’t believe in coincidences, but come on sometimes enough is enough and No….No…No….No…there is limit to what people will believe and this went a bit too far for even me, who loves romance and the idea of a long lost love still pining for me somewhere in the world. A bit of reality never hurt a book and this one could use a large dose. Life does not line up like this book did and even with the characters fighting against Fate, I still could not swallow all the accidents that seemed to occur.
I liked the writing(especially the first chapter...funny LOL) it flowed well, and if I could get past all the way over the top , just happened that way, made-up, you’ve got to be kidding me, things; I think I would have given it a higher rating. I think there is definite potential here maybe a made for TV movie or a chick flix starring Jennifer Aniston. But for a book there were just too many neat little fixes that just fell in to place along the way. I think every book needs a dose of real life and this one would be better if it had some. I liked the characters, but Veronica was a bit of a whiner. Jared was great and then a bit too great, if you know what I mean.
If you enjoy romance and stories that are almost too good to be true you will like this book.
If you enjoy romance and stories that are almost too good to be true you will like this book.
Publisher: Published January 1st 2011 Dark Red Press
ISBN: B004HO648W
Copyright: 2011
Pages: ebook Kindle Edition 300
Quick Review: 3 stars (out of 5)
Synopsis: Veronica, a widow from an abusive marriage, is looking forward to having a wonderful visit with her daughter, Jeri. It had been a year since Jeri moved away to college andVeronica cannot think of anywhere else she would rather be than spend a peaceful Christmas with Jeri.
Jared thought his day had already gone badly when his hiring proposal for consultants was put on hold. Now he finds himself stranded in a blizzard and discovers his rental car has a flat.To add insult upon injury, the keys are locked in the trunk!
When Veronica sees Jared walk into the airport terminal and takes a seat across from her, she can feel her emotions run amok bouncing somewhere between loathing and love. He was the man, whom she had loved and yet he had walked out on her. Jared on the other hand wants to do everything in his power to heal her wounds. In the deepest region of his heart, he wants to start over.
On icy roads, and deep in thought, Jeri’s is suddenly involved in a serious accident, and as Veronica rushes through the halls of the hospital, in search to find answers, she stumbles upon Jared. It is then Veronica realizes at that their present has brought them together shrouded in the events of their past while the doctors feverishly work to save her daughter’s life.

Author Biography: My name is John Smith, but with such a common name, I was once convinced by a peer of a consulting company where I was once employed that I should at least include my middle initial, which is J.
So, if you’ve seen my query letter or an entry into a contest, you would have seen my name as John J. Smith (I’ve often looked for a pen name – hmmm. Maybe Bachman would be good).
My day job, which I have not resigned, is as a computer professional for a large finance corporation, where I not only manage a team of professionals, but I pretty much write most of the documentation for our group, documentation that is mostly in the areas of processes, procedures, and training guides. Plus whatever else I can volunteer for. I have yet to turn down any type of a writing gig. I hope one day to sanitize some of my work and post it on my web – who knows, maybe you’ll find those somewhat entertaining (yeah, right) and would offer some freelance copywriting.
I’ve been in the computer profession for quite some time, but I have to be honest with you, writing (and of course reading) is my passion – don’t get me wrong, computers and the professional life is wonderful, but writing, especially fiction, touches a part of my brain that I find exciting.
Those of us who write, and those of us who read books and articles on writing, know we must write daily – I make sure I do that, just not always in the world of fiction.
To date I have been noted in contests where I have won three honorable mentions, and a fourth for just showing up. Even though I did not place as well as I had liked, I cherish these awards. When you enter a contest of thousands and place in the top twenty, it’s a thrill. Who knows, if I keep plugging away, I just might hit the top three.
Welcome to my website, Writer’s Alcove, the place where I go to dream of stories and tales. Grab a beverage and stay awhile.
Other Reviews:
I agree with you about too many pat coincidences...for me, it ruins the story.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a good read for a lazy afternoon where you just need everything to fall into place :)
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a fun book! Sometimes you just need a book to read just for enjoyment. Thanks!
ReplyDeletegreta review sounds like a fun read to do if u wnat o step awayf rom doses of reality