
Monday, May 1, 2017

Motherhood Monday Potty Training!!!

Its been a while since I have written down the wonders of motherhood. Lets star off with Potty Training.  If you have never done it you will and when someone tell you about an amazing book or what you need to do just smile, nodded and walk away because nothing you do will make them potty train until they are ready to.  How do I know???? Lets see 4 kids all who potty trained when they wanted too and nothing I could do would make them go.  I freaking promised Disneyland to one and she still didn't potty train for another 6 months. Yes you knew what Disneyland was and yes she wanted to go.

After three kids potty training I thought I had this down.  Nope number 4 decided to show us who was boss and it sure wan't me.  He turns 4 the beginning of May and I really thought he is never going to get out of his diaper.  Than my thoughts went on crazy train and I thought about no one would accept him into preschool if he isn't potty trained, which means I would have to teach him and get him ready for kindergarten, than he will fail in college, become a dead beat dad and live off the government.

Those thoughts all started because he refused to potty train.

We finally gave up pushing him to potty trained and went on our day to day asking if he wanted to go.
Last Monday Morning he asked to go potty, put on underwear and so far hasn't looked back.  He refuse to wear pull up and wakes up every single morning dry and he is talking so much more.

The only thing I can say about successful potty training is to let them do it when they are ready if that means 2 years old or 4 years old it doesn't matter.  When I allowed my kids to train when they were ready I never had any accidents.

Here are my 3 steps to potty training
1. Let them tell you they are read. Encourage the potty but don't force it.
2. Wait until their diaper is dry though out the night. Night time potty training is so much easy.
3. Cheer them on even though accidents.  They want to make you proud of them!

Those are my tips from a mommy of 4 who was sure her youngest would go to preschool with a pull up on in hopes no one would notice.

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