
Friday, February 22, 2013

Book Feature Friday - Moon Hoax - Paul Gillebaard

Moon Hoax
Title: Moon Hoax

Summary: In Paul’s brilliant debut novel, Moon Hoax, China claims the U.S. never landed on the moon and they have proof. Losing worldwide prestige and letting one of man’s greatest achievements simply be erased is not an option for the United States. Moon Hoax is a magnificent tale of seemingly doing the impossible, sending an American back to the moon... Today.

Reviews: “I finally got around to reading Moon Hoax. It was a fantastic read. I could hardly put it down. Some twists and turns in the plot that I didn't expect. Thoroughly enjoyed it.” - Charlie Duke, the 10th man on the moon.
Paul Gillebaard 
Author bio: Paul Gillebaard is a business owner, high school track coach, parent, and author. He received his Mechanical Engineering Degree from California State University, Fullerton and has operated his own engineering company since 2002. Paul lived in Nassau Bay, TX during the moon shot years, home for many of the Apollo astronauts. Living among these men who would make history inspired Paul to write Moon Hoax. Paul currently resides in Orange County, CA with his wife and two children.

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