
Friday, February 1, 2013

Book Feature Friday - 30 Days to Prosperity: A Workbook to Manifest Abundance - Gail Thackray

30 Days to Prosperity: A Workbook to Manifest Abundance
Title: 30 Days to Prosperity: A Workbook to Manifest Abundance

Author: Gail Thackray

Summary: In 30 Days to Prosperity: A Workbook to Manifest Abundance, author Gail Thackray reveals tools, affirmations, and daily exercises to program your subconscious to manifest abundance. The power is within you to create all that you desire. Learn how to harness this ability and use it to create positive, joyful, and abundant results.

By following this 30-day program, you can reconnect to Source to create the life that you want. Start living your dreams, now. Gail presents the material in a straightforward, simple manner with the program designed such that anyone can easily follow it. Whether you believe or not it doesn't matter, it simply works.

 Gail Thackray
Author bio: Gail Thackray was raised in Yorkshire, England and prides herself on having kept her English down-to-earth sensibility. Her life changed at age forty when she discovered she was a medium and able to talk to spirits on the other side. Helping others connect to Source and to develop their own natural psychic abilities is her passion. Gail lectures at events worldwide, doing live appearances as a healer, medium, and educator. When at home in Los Angeles, she writes and teaches about mediumship, healing, animal communication, manifesting, and other aspects of spirituality.

Gail's books include "30 Days to Prosperity: A Workbook to Manifest Abundance" and "Gail Thackray's Spiritual Journeys: Visiting John of God." Upcoming books to include "A Medium's Path," Animal Communication, and Reiki.

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