
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Book Review - Real Marriage: The Truth about Sex, Friendship & Life Together - Mark and Grace Driscoll

Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together

Title:      Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, & Life Together.

Review:  Well I don’t think that one book can tell you how to improve anything, I read many and then glean what I like from each to fit my life and my family.  No one person has all the ideas and if they say they do than you know they don’t.  Having said that I think this is a good book for information to help improve your marriage or for those who are thinking about getting married.  Information is a wonderful thing and the more you get the more you….well get.

I did not really care for the beginning of the book where the two authors told us all the terrible things they had done before finding Christ.  Why?  I don’t know and I don’t care.  Everyone has a story, but do we need all of your dirty laundry?  No we don’t.  I would have liked to see that part of their life skimmed over faster.  I did read a section to my husband because I did not agree with Mark on the point that his wife should have told him/or asked permission to cut her hair off.  I think that is a personal decision and not a marriage issue.  Well I learned that my husband disagreed with me and believes that if one of us is going to drastically change our appearance that we need to check with one another.  I never thought of cutting long hair short as a drastic change, but I guess David does.  Good to know.

I did enjoy the last part of re-engineering your life.  How can you go forward making things better between you and your spouse I found that interesting and quite worthwhile.  The chapter on sex opened my eyes a bit to what the Bible says or at least how the authors interpret what the Bible says.  Interesting stuff that can really make a difference, in your love life, depending on where you personally stand and where your spouse does.

The book as a whole was not bad.  I think if you are having issues with your spouse that this is a good resource, but make sure you look for and read others also.  Counseling is also a great idea and one they recommend in this book.  A Christian look at marriage is never a bad thing, you love your spouse and want a better life for each other and that is the basis for any good marriage.

Publisher:  Published January 3rd 2012 by Nelson, Thomas, Inc.

Copyright: 2012

Pages:  240

ISBN:    9781400203833

Quick Review:  3 Stars out of 5. 

Why Did I read this Book:  The book was sent from BookSneeze for review.

Synopsis:  Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, talk about sex and marriage in down-to-earth terms, hitting issues other Christian books won't.
While a wonderful wedding day is important, it's the last day of marriage that really counts. Will the last day of your marriage come prematurely through divorce? Will it be filled with regrets as you sit at the funeral of your spouse? Or, by God's grace, will the last day be a time to rejoice in the life you lived together?
Pastor Mark Driscoll and his wife, Grace, want you to finish well on the last day. They share private and painful issues that damaged their own marriage-including his introduction to pornography in elementary school and her abuse as a teenager at the hands of a boyfriend-and how they overcame them to experience healing and joy with each other again.
Author Biography:  Mark A. Driscoll is the founder and teaching pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle, Washington, as well as the co-founder and president of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network.

Other Reviews:

1 comment:

  1. I found I agreed with most everything in essence, just not always in presentation. I found myself swinging between fascination, agreement, and emotionally responding.
