
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

He Said/She Said: The Insider - Reece Hirsch

He Said/She Said is for when Lisa and I have both read the same book.

For more details on the book, The Insider, please see David’s previous post.

Title: The Insider

Author: Reece Hirsch

Publisher: Penguin

ISBN: 978-0425-23642-4

Copyright: 2010

Pages: 330

Quick Review: 3 stars (out of 5)

Why I Read It: I enjoy Grisham and David won this on Goodreads, so I thought I would try it.

Review: I liked this book, very John Grishomish. I enjoy a good lawyer mystery, also this book was fast-paced and quick to read. I wanted Will to be a bit smarter and turn himself in, but then again I don't always know what’s best, and his decisions seemed to work, the whole running and hiding thing would have scared me to death. I do know to always ask for a lawyer if being questioned by the police for any reason, thank heaven so did he. Never speak to the police without your attorney, never. Innocent or guilty, keep your mouth shut. Your words can be turned to make you look guilty, even if you’re not. Use your rights; they are there to protect you.

A few stilted conversations and a bit too many/long descriptions on some things and places. It was a terrific debut novel, I imagine the next one will be much better and I look forward to reading it. Great mystery, it kept me wondering, but I did have a thought of who the bad guy was(the way he was introduced was more involved than the other side characters, but I didn't guess the end with its twists and turns). I love that Will took his life destiny into his own hands and didn't depend on anyone else to fight his battles. Sometimes in life you have no one to depend on but yourself. The story kept me interested to the last page. If you enjoy a good mystery, check out The Insider.

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