
Saturday, March 21, 2015

Product Review - Luxury 1000 Thread 100% Cotton Sheets

Review:  First Impression:  these sheets came out of the package soft but lacked any detail on the top hem of the top sheet or the hem on the openings of the pillow cases.  The hem sizes are the typical 31/2” with double stitching but no extra detail like you see on many sheets.  They washed up nicely maintaining almost the same softness.  The thread count concerns me as they are not as heavy as other sheets we have had but they are much softer.

Second Impression:  living in the cold midwest my wife likes her flannel sheets and was not much for switching to these sheets.  When you first get into bed the sheets are colder than flannel but they quickly warm up and are very soft.  We both feel much more comfortable with no sweating that we sometime experience in the flannel sheets.  They are very soft and comfortable sheets.

Thank you Rick  for this review.

I am a professional reviewer and received this item for an honest review.


 1000 Thread
100% Cotton, not Microfiber or Polyester
Over $150 Retail Value

Other Review:
The Suburban Jungle

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