
Friday, December 16, 2011

Delayed Flight - Author Interview with John J. Smith

After reading Delayed Flight I asked the author a few questions I thought our readers would be interested in.  Thank you for joining us today.

1.   John what was your inspiration for this story?

I was in an airport during a snow storm and I watched a couple talking, obviously they had not seen each other in quite some time and it looked as if he wanted to pick up where they left off but I don’t believe she did, she looked angry.  As I eavesdropped on the conversation (I know, not good, but sometimes the best material is right in front of you) I could tell she was upset and there was no way that relationship would pick up.  I then felt sorry for both of them and thought, I wonder what would happen if they were thrown together into a situation where they had to see each other, what would be the outcome? Would he continue to pursue her?  Would she change her mind?  Could they even pick up from where they left off or would it be better to start anew.  What would happen if there was a secret that she didn’t want him to know? Since I love reading and have a passion for writing, and really enjoy love stories, I knew I had to write this.

2.   What would you like to tell our readers about your book?

Delayed Flight is a love story told from the perspective of the woman and man and the decisions we make, and what decisions we would make if we had the opportunity to make them again.  Delayed Flight also shows us how intertwined we are with everyone we know and meet, and at times when something happens it’s really not what it seems and communications is the key to understanding.

3.   Who is your favorite author and what is your favorite book?

This is a hard one, I have so many, and it really depends on my mood when I sit down to read.  Nicholas Sparks is by far my favorite. The Wedding really tugged on some strings, if you know what I mean.  It was great to watch the relationship rekindle and grow, and the wedding was about them and the opportunity to retake their vows and renew the love and commitment that brought them together to begin with.

4.   Inspirational words for writers just starting out?

This is also a tough question as most will say write what you know about. I’ve always been, write what you feel. If it feels good then get it on paper. Let the idea blossom and let your muse bring it to life. But more importantly, never give up, never stop writing because writing is a love that will always be with you even when you put the pen down or turn off your computer.

Thanks John for taking this time with us.  Good luck with your writing.  Page down for yesterdays review of Delayed Flight.

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