
Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday musing - short story look.

I've read lots and lots of books and so I decided to try my hand at writing.   WOW!!! that is much more difficult then I ever thought....Good Job Authors...writing is not easy.  I really appreciate a well writen book now that I've tried to write my own.   I've written 3 books and a short story so far and they all need major editing, they took awhile and I stopped many times discouraged about where the story was going and the fact that I was lost in my own creation.  Writing is not for the faint at heart or maybe we are not all cut out to be writers.

I'm going to include my short story in one of the blog pages for anyone who may be interested in reading it...if you do read it I would love a comment, you can email me if you feel it is too constructive to leave on the page.  Thank you for coming by today and happy reading.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa, many thanks for dropping by Pen and Paper. Good luck with the writing, I'm looking forward to reading your stories.
