
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Meeting Amanda Hocking and picking up a book for you to win!!!!

Me with author Amanda Hocking.

      My sister, daughter and I took a drive out to Adams to meet Amanda Hocking.  She was signing books and all the proceeds were going to the Adams City pool.  I was very excited to meet her and so happy it was a quick drive.  I picked up a book I hadn't read and one I had to give you all a chance to win it.  She signed both copies, yeah!!!!

     I get pretty excited when I get to meet an author and so I really had to keep myself in check today.  I think I did pretty well if I say so.  I didn't rush up to her screaming 'I love you,' and I didn't overly gush about how much I enjoyed her books and I didn't even get too close.  Just close enough for a photo.  I think I'm getting better at this, maybe I can trust myself in a bookstore signing one of these days.

     The giveaway of Switched, by Amanda Hocking and signed by her, will be at the Mid-Summer Blog Hop starting on the 21st of June along with an ecopy (Smashword or Kindle) of a new book I really enjoyed called Secrets by S. L. Pierce.  Come back June 21st for a chance to win these great books.  Thanks for reading and thank you Amanda for the opportunity to meet you.


  1. How exciting for you! I think for book bloggers, authors are our own rockstars, and we love to see them up close and personal!

  2. You are right, I embarrass myself, but I'm a loyal fan. If I like your writing I'm going to read all of it and look forward to their newest book like it was Christmas. I also ask everyone I know if they have read my favorites and if not I suggest they do. Thanks for the comment Rae.
